Press release

The Data State Inspectorate (DSI) hereby reminds that, according to Article 4 of the Transitional Provisions of the Personal Data Processing Law (enforced on 05.07.2018, PDPL), personal data protection officers who are qualified (passed the examination by the DSI) and included in the list of qualified personal data protection officers before 05.07.2018, are to be included in the public list of qualified personal data protection officers, if they, within six months following entry into force of the PDPL, submit to the Director of the DSI a written application stating information specified in Section 18(2) of the PDPL (except for Section 18(2)(2)).

The list of qualified personal data protection officers who have submitted an application according to Article 4 of the Transitional Provisions of the PDPL is available here:

We hereby inform that, according to the enforced regulation, the list is created to identify qualified personal data protection officers. The list of personal data protection officers includes only persons who have passed the qualification examination.