Press release
Information about the course of marriages as of 7 April

The Ministry of Justice indicates that as of 7 April 2021 the registration of marriages outside of premises shall be permitted for not more than ten persons within the framework of two households, while the registration of marriages inside of premises may be performed in the presence of the persons, who wish to enter into the marriage, and two adult witnesses only.

At the same time the Ministry of Justice would like to emphasize that during the registration of marriage both, inside as well as outside the premises, all present persons shall weal mouth and nose covers, as well as shall comply with other determined social (physical) distancing and epidemiological safety measures.

The Ministry of Justice recommends the persons be responsible and to comply with the epidemiological safety measures determined in the state, as well as contact with the civil registry office and church before registration of marriage about the possibility thereof to ensure all necessary safety measures.

Changes are based on Cabinet Regulation No. 191 “Amendments to the Cabinet Regulation No. 360 “Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Containment of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection”, adopted on 9 June 2020”, adopted on 1 April 2021.

Contact information of the civil registry offices is available on the website of the Ministry of Justice.